Repro India began as a small printing press in 1990
and has since grown into a comprehensive, international publishing industry
services company. A consistent theme throughout Repro’s ongoing transformation
has been an unwavering commitment to the success of its diverse partners by
offering customized solution for publishers. Comprising physical book
distribution , print on demand, offset printing , and digital services Repro
works closely with publishers, retailers, bookstores, libraries and schools
both domestically and internationally to provide dynamic and targeted solutions
for today’s complex content publishing challenges. With a presence spanning
four continents from Asia and Africa to the U.S and the U.K , Repro has been
serving the globe with its pioneering industry solution for nearly three
decades. Wherever one is and whether one is in need of content design and
adaptation, multimedia enhancements, digital warehousing, physical
distribution, or other strategic printing services, Repro is at the ready from
one single, sought –after book on – demand for a leisure reader to print runs
of millions for the worls’s reader. At company’s core business, the offset book
printing service is at one –stop shop for comprehensive printing services. With
the plants in Surat, Navi Mumbai, Bhiwandi, and Chennai, Repro produces
millions of books every year for publishers in India as well as across the
globe at minimal cost and with optimal turnaround times. As a content
aggregrator, Repro KnowledgeCast bridges the geographical gap between
publishers and their end customer – from students to leisure readers all over
the world. From ebooks to physical books delivered via online and offline
channels, Repro ensures that all content is quickly and easily accessible for
maximum consumer satisfaction. Today’s technology savvy 21st century
student need equally tech forward 21st century tools. Company
started the RAPPLES (Repro Applied Learning Solutions) Learning management
system. This is customizable and robust pre-loaded educational tablet offer an
unprecedented learning and teaching solution aimed at imparting knowledge in
the most effective and compelling way. In response to the profound potential of
‘digitalization’ on education , Repro has invested in India’s first tablet with
pre-loaded , interactive textbooks: the Repro Applied Learning Solution,
“RAPPLES”. RAPPLES is a complete learning solution (LMS) for students and
teachers. All the books are enriched with preloaded digital content and
question banks aimed at accommodating varying skills levels and different
visual and auditory learning styles. Content is accessible through the tablet’s
innate eBook reader. The comprehensive LMS also offers the option of creating
or preloading lessons plans for delivery in the classrooms by teachers. Repro
has created a digital marketplace comprising a huge inventory of national and
international titles with the goal of becoming one of India’s largest and most
comprehensive eBook stores. India’s book market is expected to touch $14 billion
billion by 2021. Currently India is 6th largest book market in
world. Further , India’s online book sales are estimated to be $1.2 billion by
2021! A ripple of change has hit the book industry. And India is adapting to
this change faster than can be imagined. Buying a book online has opened up
never before opportunities – both for the reader as well as the publisher .
Reader now get exactly the title they want, right at their door step. And
publishers now have their books on e-bookstores and reach readers anywhere in
the world, thus expanding their market exponentially. To help ride the digital
opportunity , Repro has build tech platforms that distrupt the traditional way
of doing business in the publishing industry. The content is aggregated from
the publisher ( content owner) and it is archived in digital warehouse. Company
has also tied up with e-retailers like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal and Infibeam
among others, so that publishers books are available on these sites. When an
order is placed , company accesses the soft copy of the title from its content
respository and produces it in the state of the art one book factory and
dispatches it to the customer within the shortest possible time. Company has
further extended the solution to distribution and collection right up to
collection of royalties which are given to the publishers for each book
purchased and produced. This business has grown rapidly in the last year and
presents tremendous opportunity. In addition, company has entered into
contractual arrangement with Ingram content group – which is one of the world’s
largest content aggregation and dissemination companies. Company will have
access and thus make available to Indian readers, the global books residing on
Ingrams content repository. In turn Repro can make available Indian publishers
content to larger global readership. Repro currently have one of the largest
selection PRIME enabled products on Amazon at 2.5 million. This enables million
of customers to leverage the benefits of PRIME and POD millions of products to
get truly unique offering in terms of value. Repro has ensured that it creates
platform to reach readers anytime, anywhere. Hence, Repro reaches books
directly to students in schools. Repro understand the need of school
administrations, parents and students. Making textbooks available to students
through a direct online purchase , addresses an avoidable pain area that parent
faces. The Repro solution ensures that educational titles are made visible to
students through online channels. Repro is geared to produce and fulfill one to
a million books . A large number of publishers have already tied in to avail of
this solution and their books are being reached to a wider student base than
ever before. Repro has strong presence in 27 countries across Africa for whom
books are produced in mllions. In India too , Repro has large customer base of
some of the world’s largest multinational publishers, as well as leading Indian
Publishers for whom books are produced and delivered. India is home to the
largest population of children in the world, with an estimated 43 crore/430
million children in the age group of 0-18 years in the country. These children
are the future of our nation and therefore, it is imperative that they are provided
with necessary means to realize their potential. A modernized education system
can channelize efforts in this direction. While the ratio of ratio of rural
–urban enrollment in schools is massive 7:5 , nearly 60% of students in rural
areas, up to age of ten , lack reading skills. Similarly, despite the
improvement in pupil teacher ratio from 32 in 2009-10 to 24 in 2015-16 , single
teacher schools continue to be major concern in rural parts of the country.
Recent numbers point that there are 97,273 single teachers schools in India ,
which account for about 8.8% of the total schools in country. These obstacles
don’t just lead to poor quality of education, but also contribute to high
dropout rates in rural schools – nearly 50% by the age of fourteen. The use of
technology can help in mitigating above mentioned concerns. Education can be
digitized in rural areas by providing multimedia teaching tools to teachers and
engaging students through learning methods that utilize digital tools, such as
smart-boards, LCD screens, Videos ,RAPPLES etc. By making it possible for one
teacher to deliver information remotely across several locations. In rural
areas , disinterest in studies accounts for 20.24 % out of school children.
Interactive learning facilitated by digitization can make learning in
classrooms interesting and in turn, incentive students to attend school
regularly. In the union budget , the government’s focus has been towards
improving the quality of education by integrating technology. It has allocated Rs
456 crore for digital education. The emphasis on the need to graduate from
blackboards to digital boards, from text books to eBooks , signifies the role
the technology must play in improving the quality of education . Government
initiative for digital education gives a wide opportunity of expansion of
business to Repro India. A complete digital education solution for
Maharashtra’s schools. E-class is a complete digital education solution for the
schools and institute. Schools can choose from any of the mentioned platforms
to use E-class in their premises. All the platform suggested are complete
offline and donot require any internet services. Features of E-class are
interesting and attractive animation, enhances the experience of classroom
teaching through 2D and 3D content, effective and engaging, grabs attention and
helps retain what is heard, it is very user friendly and teacher friendly, a recreation of the State Board Syllabus for
grade 01 to 10 in digital form , the content has crisp voice over, helps schools
for more enrollment, cover entire syllabus and chapter wise content , thus
saving time. E-class can be implemented in schools in various way: TV+ Android
box in every class, Projector +screen + anroid box + speaker, computer
+ projector + screen in classroom, anroid tablets (like RAPPLES) for each
students, LAN system , custom packages as per requirement. Under the operation
digital board 7lakh classrooms of 9th , 10th, and 11th,
and 2 lakh classrooms of colleges and universities will be equipped with
digital boards in the next three years. The union minister of human resource
development has launched the ‘operation digital board’ to boost the quality
education in country. The operation aims to convert classroom into a digital
class room and make available the e-resources at any time and at any place to
students. Various government initiatives such as e-pathshala, DIKSHA, NROER,
NPTEL SWAYAM etc have provided adequate content
of high quality which can be taken to every classroom, and thereby facilitating
blended learning and flip class learning. E-learning industry in India is a
prolific one , witnessing a steady growth rate of 25 % Y-O-Y and is projected
to be a $1.96 billion industry by 2021. With the network of more than 1.5
million schools and 18,000 higher education institutes , the market for digital
education in India is enormous. Today, digital learning is no longer a luxury
but implementation of digital tools of learning has become a necessity in
schools. All these shows there is huge opportunities for Repro India to expand
its operations. On consolidated bases yearly Net sales at Rs 399.69 cr in March
2019 from Rs 299.31 cr in March 2018.
Net profit at Rs 23.58 cr in March 2019 from Rs 16.39 in March 2018. Quarterly
net profit at Rs 6.82 cr in Mrch 2019 down 17.55% from 8.28 crore in March
2018. EBIDTA stands at Rs 12.54 cr in March 2019 up 3.13% from Rs 12.12 crore
in March 2018. Net debt of Company is Rs 129.03 crore. By all this I prefer Buy
call on Repro India Ltd.